Call for Abstracts: Symposium Ernährung und Mikrobiota

Copyrigt by Lannert/University of Bonn

20. Mai 2016

DietBB lädt zu Beiträgen zum Symposium "Ernährung und Mikrobiota" im Rahmen der Besetzung einer Nachwuchswissenschaftlergruppe in Bonn am 22. Juni 2016 ein.

DietBB intends to establish a Junior Research Group (intended as W1/W2 tenure-track) at the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at Bonn University in the research field of Nutrition and Microbiota. The symposium is held to search for an excellent candidate for this post. Together with the cluster the candidate will apply for the respective funding at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Candidates should have obtained their PhD degree not longer than 5 years ago.

Nutrition and lifestyle play an important role in the development, maintenance and decline of cognitive abilities. In this context, DietBB researches aspects of brain health in the fields of nutrition science, medical science, epidemiology, neuroeconomics and public health with interdisciplinary teams. The DietBB cluster comprises academic partners from the Agricultural Faculty, the Medical Faculty, the Natural Sciences Faculty and the Philosophical Faculty of Bonn University, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), the German Nutrition Society (DGE) and industrial partners. The network is located in the region of Bonn, Germany. The intended Junior Research Group will be embedded in the vigorous environment of the cluster and the institutions constituting the cluster with their stimulating scientific activities.

Download of the official dokument

Please contact the cluster spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ute Nöthlings ( for further information.In order to be considered for participation in the symposium, please submit your abstract and CV to the cluster office no later than June 5th, 2016. For further information please check out the cluster’s website or contact the cluster office (dietbb@uni-
