The DietBB cluster brings together partners from the University of Bonn (UB), the University Hospital of Bonn (UKB), the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), the German Nutrition Society (DGE) and the Life and Brain Center (L&B).
UB - Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn
Regina-Pacis Weg 3
D-53113 Bonn
UB - University of Bonn
DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Sigmund-Freud Strasse 27
D-53127 Bonn
DZNE - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
DGE - German Nutrition Society
Godesberger Allee 18
D-53175 Bonn
DGE - German Nutrition Society
UKB - University Hospital of Bonn
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25
D-53127 Bonn
UKB - University Hospital of Bonn
L&B - Life and Brain Center (1st funding period 2015-2018)
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25
D-53127 Bonn
L&B - Life and Brain Center