BonnGut - Junior Research Group

A major factor linking the daily diet with human physiology and pathology that has emerged in recent years is the entirety of microorganisms (microbiota) colonizing the human intestine. In particular, it has been hypothesized recently that the intestinal microbiome affects signaling along the “gut-brain-axis” to alter neurological processes in the host. The aim of the JRG is to systematically analyze the impact of commensal microorganisms and their metabolites on the link between nutrition and cognition, with the goal of establishing causative connections between diet, microbiota, metabolism and brain function. To achieve this aim, the JRG pursues a translational approach with mechanistic studies in humans and mouse models. Finally in synergy with the general DietBB cluster, the fundamental approach taken by the JRG will be to identify associations between the intestinal microbiome, dietary patterns or food intake, and cognitive function across the lifespan in order to define a healthy microbiota and based on this personalized dietary recommendations and treatments.

Project leader: Juniorprofessor Dr. Marie-Christine Simon 

More information: Opens external link in new windowBonnGut Research Group

Jun. Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Simon
Leader of the Junior Research Group
Institute of Nutrition and Food Sciences,
Nutritional Physiology,
Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Bonn

Nussallee 9
D-53115 Bonn
Ph. +49 228 73 3814
Fax +49 228 73 3217